Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm Feeling Accomplished

I made great progress today and last night. I worked singlemindedly since I woke up for the day and last night as well. For those who know me, that's miraculous. Got lots completed. Last night before I went to bed, I wrote a few notes on various scenes I wanted to add into my book. I'm happy with that, but still nervous because this book is different but the same for stories I've done. I can't explain it. When I get further along, I'll do a blurb or something.

I'm not getting any younger, and I feel stronly that I must live and enjoy each moment of my life. So I didn't want this year to be about a waiting game, a wishing for it to end so my friend will come home. I thought a good idea would be to set a few goals that I could see happening over the year and enjoy. It would also serve to distract me from moping around.

With dread I looked a my credit card and other large debt and thought, why not figure out what I need to do to pay off these things and choose a time period. That would give me something to work on each month, something to look forward to and a sense of accomplishment. To me setting goals, whether financial or otherwise, is paramount for happiness in life. It gives you like I said that sense of accomplishment. I also think it builds self-esteem.

I can't claim that I just woke up and thought I think I'll pay off some things. No, I was playing around on YouTube and came across a woman's video where she said she paid like $20,000 in debt off in 3 years. I first wanted to know what the heck she does to afford that. Because I saw that if I really wanted to do some damage, I would need $800 a month. Yeah right. I'd have to write until my fingers fall off. But I'm going to do what I need to and I believe I can pay off my credit card in one year, maybe less. I'm very happy with that plan.

I'm excited about this because it isn't enough to just say I will pay a little extra on my payments every month. I needed a solid date to work toward and how much I would need to pay extra to reach it. Paying a little extra wasn't truly committing for me.

Oh yeah, and I was annoyed that my scale went down 1/2 pound one day, went up 1/2 pound the next. I know. I know. Get off the freakin scale. No! Haha. I won't do it. I don't let it get me down too much, so I figure I can take it. I did my usual not eating breakfast for a couple hours until I had knocked out some work [You didn't think I was the healthy lifestyle example did you?] and went to my closet to get something. I stepped on the scale totally distracted and was happy that I was down below the stupid multiple of ten I hated. Lol.

Well, gotta go. Gotta write.

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