Sunday, April 5, 2009

How I Came Up With My Book Idea

I love the song Same Script Different Cast, sung by Whitney Houston and Deborah Cox. I have no idea how old it is, but I just discovered it, and I just play it over and over and over again. It's not the words, but the sound of their voices and the music that I like. I do that with a lot of songs.

So I was sitting there listening back-to-back, just replaying, and I was trying to come up with an emotional romance that really hit some painful places in the relationship with my heroine and hero, and just playing this song helped me come up with it. Don't worry, it's so not about a cheating partner or anything like that. I wanted to do something with failed relationships and how where we are in life sometimes affects the decisions we make and make or break our relationships with a significant other.

I opened Microsoft Word and just began to plot it out, from start to finish. When I was done, I wasn't sure if it truly fit the chracters I normally develop. I thought it might be too raw in some ways, but I'm going to go with it.

The book will have a soldier hero. It will of course be an interracial romance, and that's all I'm going to say about it. But I've already started, and I'm well on the way. After some soldier consultation with my buddy Dahlia, I'll be good to go. Can't wait to know what the readers think of it.

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