Saturday, December 13, 2008

2009 and other stuff

So we're talking about doing some booksignings next year. I think in the summer. Am I wrong to hope something happens so I can't do it? Like getting transported to an alternate earth where they don't do any public appearances...ever! Hahaha. Yes, I'm terrified. Maybe Dahlia will be so wrapped up in her sweet bundle of joy, she'll forget about little old me and won't drag me out there.

Road travel. I hate it. My brother just bought a new trailer. He drove it from house to house of family and friends showing it off. I asked him what was up with not bringing it by my street, but he said he didn't want to take out several houses trying to get down my block, so what could he do? I thought about saying excuses, excuses. So I went to see that thing. Nice! But I won't be adding it to any of my stories that's for sure.

He showed me this fold out chair that could turn into a bed, said this is where you will sleep when you come with us on vacation. I looked at him like he's lost his damn mind. No, Jordyn doesn't like road travel. He knows this!

Soon I'll get some other excerpts up on here. And who knows, I might actually think of something interesting to write about. If the above bored you to tears though, don't hold your breath. Lol.

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