Saturday, June 27, 2009

Harsh Reality Versus Fantasy

So recently, I was visiting a site where readers were discussing what they like and what they don't like in IR (interracial romance). Someone said she hates when the hero is always some filthy rich guy, and she wonders why he can't be a regular Joe. A few others agreed with her, and one reader said she likes the hero being rich. I didn't continue with thread to see if there were other varying opinions.

So I was thinking about it. What you'll find in my works are ordinary women, broke, busted, disgusted alot of times, trying her best to make ends meet. She'll be in a bad relationship or just out of one and can't find a good man to save her life. I don't know. It's what I like. I think it's the tools to making a strong woman, or a woman who is on her way to getting stronger. She hasn't arrived. I have no interest in writing about a woman who has already clawed her way to the top and is filthy stinking rich in her own right, and frankly she doesn't need a man except for sex, and has no problem telling him so. That's not what I write, ladies who prefer that, sorry.

On the other hand, you are not likely to find my hero being a regular Joe. I do not like a weak, busted and disgusted man. I do not fantasize about the trashman or the mailman sweeping me off my feet. I'm sorry. What I do fantasize about is the guy who can help make the financial issues disappear, who will sweep me away. I'm sorry, but that turns me on. So I create a hero who is all those things and more. He just has a few issues he also has to work out.

Is that not reality? So what. It's fiction. My heroine doesn't exist anymore than this rich guy does. I made them up. I named them. I dropped them into a particular situation and gave them a life, problems, joys, and heartbreaks. It's all fiction. I know you want harsh reality on all points, but I don't.

I love pleasing my readers. I would not be where I am if I did not have them, but at the same time, I can't get off on pairing my girl to the stock boy at the supermarket. Can't do it. Haha.

So when you're reading Jordyn Tracey's work, remember, her heroines will be identifiable. Her heroes will be a little larger than life with a few issues. I hope you can still enjoy it. I know I do. Lol.


  1. I am a woman who is struggling from day to day to make ends meet. One of my favorite and new passtimes is to read book online. I have to admit that some of my favorite novels and novellas are the ones when the male character is a strong, handsome Alpha leader type and rich. Books are about escaping reality. Why would I want to read about poor, unmotivated, out of shape and indecisive men? They are my daily reality and when I read I want to be taken away. So, I look forward to reading Taking Joy because the excerpt has me wanting to read much much more.

  2. Taking Joy was an awesome read. The characters were very believable. Darren, sad to say it but he totally reminded me of my stepfather who was more like a big brother than a fater figure. Keane and Nolan Kavanagh are interesting and misleading; I liked the twist/secret at the end of the story. If Keane Kavanagh was a real person, I would totally love to be his Joy and taken by him as often as he liked.
    Taking Ree was a good read as well. I suppose I like stories about one woman trying to choose between two men (especially between brothers- is this a bad thing?). Anyhoo, vampires, blood, love making and action. It was a very short story but good all the same. The lead male character Andreas, seemed like a sexy and powerful vampire but his brother Haven seemed like pure wicked fun. I suppose I should read the first story now, Club Vampire to get more character background information. So far, I am enjoying Jordyn Tracey's written work. Thanks for helping me to escape my dismal reality with these wonderful stories.

  3. I would agree. when reading you are trying to get away from reality. I love it when the man has money and power but is humbled by the woman he falls for...she struggles for everything in life and she teaches him in the end...

  4. I simply wish there were More Reads with bk.women &native American Indians..I Scipio luvvvv reading about this pairing,it would b fantastic if I could read about modern day Native American I Dian heroes point blank.Why is that so much 2ask??

  5. I simply wish there were More Reads with bk.women &native American Indians..I Scipio luvvvv reading about this pairing,it would b fantastic if I could read about modern day Native American I Dian heroes point blank.Why is that so much 2ask??
